RULES: Create your Watery Wednesday post first then come back and enter your name and the link to your post in the spaces provided. Next, just have fun visiting the other entrants to see their posts. If you leave a comment they'll know you've visited and will visit you in return. I might have posted these before but it's been at least two years ago (smile). Have fun!

Your second pic with the pelican's feathers fanning out, is gorgeous!
Excellent shots of the pelican!
It is hot in this great state of ours. I live in an older house without airconditioning and so we have to get our cool from a fan :)
Hoped your 4th was wonderful.
He looks so very happy to be in the water!
Maybe you could splash around that waterfall to cool off. Terrific shots!
Great capture, such lovely birds:)
Aren't pelicans just the most amazing birds?
I love to watch them dive for fish along the shores of Hilton Head Island during our vacation every year.
great shots. :) It is hot over here too.
Wonderful energised waters! That last pic of spread wings is simply stunning and brilliant!
Beautiful pelican - looks like it is enjoying the water!
Hope your a/c is up and running again by now.
OH no! Hope your air conditioner is fixed very soon! These bird shots are exquisite!
Your pelican shots are just wonderful! It's gotten very hot here, so I would happily splash in the water with him right now...LOL!
But just think: Now that your A/C has stopped working, your electricity bill won't be so high! :-) (Hey, there's always an upside to the downside!)
The pelican looks enjoying its dip to the fullest.
Your images are truly wonderful!
we don't have pelicans here so this is really interesting to see them here :)
Wonderful pair of images. The bottom one is so energetic and in almost poetic motion!
The second one is swimming the breast stroke ever so gracefully. Beautiful photos.
I so love the last photo..gorgeous shot.
Love all the photos. Wonderfully captured.
Great shots...love the 2nd pic. Anyway, Im playing again...Happy WW.
lovely to see the pelican playing in the water
Long time no see :)
Huge job to look every photo...
Great watery shots, busy bird ;))
Que lindas fotos de verão! Aqui só queremos ficar em casa tomando chocolate quente!
Loving this weekly meme! Will be back this next Wed to participate.
I love your photos. I've participated in memes before but can't figure out how to leave my link for this one. Do I need to register first?http://snapthatpenny.blogspot.com/2011/07/peeping-eyes.html
How nice and attractive water photo sharing on the site, in which use it different type activity and natural resources so that we can able to understand in that place and use it. Many people are connecting in this blogger and we can find it.
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