It's that time again! Time to get those eyes wet! Happy Watery Wednesday to all and once again I'd like to thank everyone who is still participating after my strained worked weeks and lack of time to concentrate on anything but work. I hope you all have a wonderful and blessed week. Be safe, be careful and get really wet - at least your eyes. :-)
RULES: Create your Watery Wednesday post first then come back and enter your name and the link to your post in the spaces provided. Next, just have fun visiting the other entrants to see their posts. If you leave a comment they'll know you've visited and will visit you in return. Have fun!

Love the swirling of the water! Great movement of its tail!
Cool fish pic!
That's an awesome photo!
The ripples round the swimming fish are magical! Lovely photo!
A fish? It looks almost like a lizard, but I don;t see the legs. Nice shot :)
Great capture!
He waved at you I think :)
that is big fish. did you invite him for dinner? back after an absence, wet & cold! ~Faythe @GMT
Um registro do movimento das águas do aquário. Muito lindo! Boa quarta feira a todos!
How do you GET those shots? I can't get over it. Really something!
A lucky moment and a nice photo!
Very nice shot!
That is way cool! It must be spawning season again? This week, I posted some pictures of Cascade Lakes Highway in Central Oregon.
Have a wonderful week, and thanks so much for keeping this going!
Kathy M.
Lovely...wonderful motion and contrasts.
THat is a beautiful photo. Love the movement.
Would that be a monstrous koi in your photo? :-)
Water in a drop of rain,
Water swirling down the drain;
Water clinging to the trees,
Water filling up the seas;
Water frozen, water free,
Water is the stuff for me!
© 2011 by Magical Mystical Teacher
Fountain of a Famous Man
It is so wet these days of Autumn! rain almost every day!
My eyes are ready for some different watery scenes. Thanks for hosting WW.
I like this meme. it´s one of these i don´t want to miss. thanks for hosting :)
Happy Watery Wednesday!
Thank you to all who participate here
and welcome to visit
my Watery Wednesday post!!
Jan Halvard, Norway
¡Buenos dias Bolivia!
Hi, nice site! I just linked this on my website! Keep it up! ;)
Wow that water looks like ice. Amazing..and thanks for hosting this great site.
Gorgeous! Happy WW to all of you!
is that a koi fish?
mine's up. Happy Watery Wednesday :)
I like your fish. He was moving swimmingly. :-)
Very nice with the rings in the water around the fish.
OOps, no post is up..
New here. Hope some of you can stop by and see my choice for this week's watery Wednesday.
Jottings From Jersey
What like of dragon fish is that?
Hope everything is OK!
Have a nice and happy day****
Thanks for maintaining this meme. I'm late but better late than never.
Wish you a happy WW!
Forgot to add this to WW this morning
Thanks for giving us the chance to share
Cool photo!...Christine
Great photo and reflections:)
will this meme continue??? i hope so :)
a lovely 'watery' image for sure. Tks for opportunity to play more with my photos too. Will look forward to future WW's.
Just wondering if you are okay.
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