Welcome to another Watery Wednesday! I am soooo sorry that I missed last week. That was my first missed post. The week just got away from me and by the time I pulled my head out of the muck and mire I was too late for my own post. I hope I haven't lost any of you. Hope you all have a wonderfully eye wetting Wednesday!
RULES: Create your Watery Wednesday post first then come back and enter your name and the link to your post in the spaces provided. Next, just have fun visiting the other entrants to see their posts. If you leave a comment they'll know you've visited and will visit you in return. Have fun!

Glad you're okay!
I am, too.
Nice shot!
Lovely detail of water! I don't play often enough to notice that you missed last week. Glad you are OK.
I was a little worried about you, too, but I've been away, so I thought maybe you were also.
So here's the post I had prepared for last week. Works out fine.
— K
Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel
Great photo! Welcome back ~
LOVE your image this week! Glad to know you are OK, too. :)
I'm just so glad that you are all right! That's really all that matters! Hope your wwek is a little less stressful! And a wonderful photo of droplets in action!
Diamonds. Amazing picture !
Please have a nice Wednesday.
I love this delightful composition.
I love your photo! It gave me inspiration for my selection of a watery pic..! But yours is so expressive.
stunning shot! I like it...:)
Beautiful water shot! Glad you are OK.
Great water shot.... Glad your ok.
Your shots are always stunning, like precious jewels.
I'm glad you're back! I missed you last week. :) I love the picture you posted, it's stunning!
These water droplets remind me of strings of crystal's!
I know exactly what you mean, these weeks are just flying by....we all have sooo much going on! So happy to be able to participate in this "Watery Wednesday" after several weeks!!! Oh, heck it's been months!!
Debbie's Travels
Hope you don't mind I link up a post from last week. Good to see u back! :)
good to know you're OK.
this is a gorgeous photo!
How DO you get these shots? Fabulous, is all I can say. The black and white makes it extra mysterious.
Happy WW! Irene :)
Excellent shot!
I would like to take just one photo that looks like that. A little more practice?
Absolutely beautiful!!:-)
My post is up now. Take care....
We missed you! Well, I just linked up the one that was ready for last week, so in a way I was ahead of the game.
I love your photo this week ... beautiful in black and white.
Thanks for hostessing!
Kathy M.
Wow, water caught in the web. Beautiful capture. Come and see my watery wednesday too.
Estamos aqui para nos refrescar com a água de todos o mundo! Bom dia a todos!
(Provérbios 25:25) - Como água fresca para a alma cansada, tais são as boas novas vindas da terra distante.
Wow, I love this week's shot. What a beauty!
Had no idea what this way (until I read post) surreal :)
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