It rained a little last week. This one is from my yard.
RULES: Create your Watery Wednesday post first then come back and enter your name and the link to your post in the spaces provided. Next, just have fun visiting the other entrants to see their posts. If you leave a comment they'll know you've visited and will visit you in return. Have fun!

Your photo is gorgeous!
That teardrop made some amazing reflections!~
Wow, beautiful!
Thanks for hosting.
Have a great day :O)
Have a lovely FEbruary.
*it's not letting me leave a comment as a wordpress user*
Beautiful capture!
very beautiful pic! :)
What an exquisite capture! Love the color and the droplets of water! Thanks for the watery fun each week!
Gorgeous hue and raindrop... isn't nature wonderful!
Nice! Happy WW!
beautiful droplet
those are pretty droplets
I love your interpretation of water today, delightful.
Fantastic macro of this water-drenched flower.
Many thanks for being our gracious host!
Gorgeous picture!
What a perfect capture! love the lighting and water droplets...
Talk about getting your eyes wet! Your photo is luscious. You make water seem wetter than wet!
Very lovely!
Great macro shot, not easy to capture. Have a great week everyone:)
Such a beautiful capture. Love the reflections in the droplets.
Beautiful macro shot with a nice droplet!
Raindrops on flowers are always so beautiful!!
Exquisite photo!
Great capture! And that fuscia color is amazing.
What a gorgeous image!
Amazing and beautiful shot! I have got to learn how to do this!!
Happy Wednesday!
Debbie's Travels
Beautiful as always! I'm excited that our rain is supposed to stop soon... meaning I'll have to get creative for my Watery Wednesday posts. :)
How fresh! One perfect moment of photography.
I want to take pics like you!!!
I have been away too long!!!
simply beautiful! catching with my entry..lolz!
What a lovely and more interesting water drop so that can be enjoy it in this drop. Most of the people are very like it and do enjoy it.
This is nice water drop seems so looking very well and enjoyable also because there are different color and fantastic water drop we can feel so good.
Water is so amazing and beautiful also.There are very lovely and attractive photo shared on the site. When we will connect in this site we can visiting in this site.
Really it is lovely and creative flower because this is lovely and beautiful flower so that we can know that and use it. The good effort for published different type garden we can watch and use it.
There are so nice and very gorgeous look water photo on the Wednesday. The good effort for published different type water flower.
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