Welcome to another opportunity to get your eyes wet! I love this meme and I'm so glad that many of you do too. I hope you know how much I appreciate your participation and that even though I don't always get a chance to visit everyone and I try to get my eyes wet each week with the photos you post. Now show us those water shots.
RULES: Create your Watery Wednesday post first then come back and enter your name and the link to your post in the spaces provided. Next, just have fun visiting the other entrants to see their posts. If you leave a comment they'll know you've visited and will visit you in return. Have fun!

Very beautiful scenery!
Thanks for sharing;o)
Have a nice day****
Fun times of the ducks swimming!
Very pretty scene, and I love the light on the water:)
Happy Wednesday - er Tuesday :)
Thanks for sharing your beautiful water shots and, as always, for hosting this wonderful meme. Haven't been here for a while, but I've been looking!
This you could send in your pic to a resort catalog, lol:) Beautiful mountains in the distance!
Beautiful watery scene! :)
Such a wonderful scene! Very beautiful!
great photo. At first I thought it was swans but then I realised it is geeze. :)
Mountains & Water~ the best of both worlds! Thanks for hosting :-)
So peaceful and calm. I so enjoy your blog and all the posts each week.
Hi! Ducks are everywhere now. Your lake and mountain photos are so pretty. My post is way different ... we hit water in the new well and it flooded the yard. Have a wonderful week, and thanks so much for hostessing!
Kathy M.
Fico feliz por participar mais uma vez da Watery quarta-feira. Esta imagem transmite paz e refresca até a mente.
Beautiful shot. Happy WW!
Lake, mountain and ducks are perfect combination :)
So beautiful and peaceful.
Lovely postcard photo material!
Mine is
It looks like such nice, soft, warm weather there. The birds are an extra nice touch.
wow! you always capture the nice watery scenes. simply beautiful. have a happy wednesday
Beautiful shots! The ducks and geese are starting to nest around our lagoon.
Beautiful scene and photo, thanks for sharing and hosting Watery Wednesday.
Such a peaceful and relaxing picture!
Have a wonderful day!
Debbie's Travels
My first venture into WW. Thanks for hosting.
very nice! I like it....:)Mine is up too!
Hello girl, hope you are well. Nice photo of the ducks. Cheers
Nice picture with the birds and
the mountains in the background!
This was the first time for me in Watery Wednesday, FUN :)
Have a nice day!
Water birds on a blue lake...perfect shot for WW.
I love getting my eyes wet each week. I started up with the gang a few weeks ago and Love what I see and read here and at all participants I visit!
Thank you for hosting!
I like the one you posted, it's lovely.
those are lovely ducks! i would like to join this meme one of these days..
Oh dear, do I see a runt, the duckling next to her is so much bigger.
This is natural and wonderful place in photo.When we will connect in this blogger then we can find different type interesting place and enjoy it. Most of the people are very like it and enjoying in this place.
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