RULES: Create your Watery Wednesday post first then come back and enter your name and the link to your post in the spaces provided. Next, just have fun visiting the other entrants to see their posts. If you leave a comment they'll know you've visited and will visit you in return. Have fun!

Happy New Year everyone!
Peace, prosperity, and good health this coming year and always!
Best wishes for 2011! And thanks for all the hard work you've put into Watery Wednesday in 2010 :D
A delightful, creative watery moment!
Just want to take this opportunity to thank you for your ongoing support of this meme! In our busy world, it is wonderful seeing someone so committed to helping others enjoy the experience of taking photos for a purpose! Also, love your bubbly comments in each post!
A very Happy New Year!
Great capture of the water drop!
A beautiful photo. Well suited to bring the New Year in.
Happy New Watery Year!
That our life may be a waterdrop like this in 2011! Thank you so much for providing this theme for us every week!
Wonderful shot, happy new year!
I wish you and your family all the best in 2011! Happy New Year! Great shot!
Lovely shot!
Happy New Year.
I love your water drop macro, gorgeous.
Happy New Year!
you get the most amazing watery shots!
A lovely photo! Water droplets are so amazing to photograph!
A Christmas Cactus? Cool!
Lovely photo! Happy New Year! Thanks for hosting Watery Wednesday.
happy new year to you.
thanks for creating this blog, it made me appreciate water in my travel shot even more plus be more creative, previously was sun sun and more sun. now i have more option and composition :D
We never get tired of peering closely at a drop of water. Such magic!
Looks like clear crystal!
Happy New Year 2011 :D
Atmospheric image.
Happy New Year!
My first time to join this meme glad I was able to before the year ends. Happy New Year! :)
Lovely waterdrop-photo.
Happy New Year!
happy watery wednesday! have a blessed new year :)
Happy WW! Your pic is cute...
Happy New Year! And here's to another year of Watery Wednesdays! :-)
very very nice
A beautiful shot ;)
- and i wish you a happy NEW YEAR !
Great shot, as always! Happy New Year full of health and happiness to you and yours!
such a delicate looking subject, really pretty!
I've made it to a US port where I can upload my watery image this week. :)
Love your blog. Such great images from everyone!
Interested photo has been shared because in this water seem so good looking very well and wonderful also so that can be enjoy it in this water and feel so lovely and pleasant also.
The beautiful water photo are sharing on the site. When we will connect in blogger we can visiting in this beautiful photo. Most of the people are enjoying in this precious moment.
This is lovely water drop photo because there are different and lovely flower in this photo. Mostly people are connecting in this blogger then we can find different type activity in this garden.
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