It is just a few days away so of course, I had to wish everyone a wonderful Christmas. Remember the reason for the season!
And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord.
Whether you believe as I do or not, I send out love and well wishes to each of you. Be safe, be happy and accept a warm cyber hug from me to you.
My attempt at something creative (smile) - an ornament in water....
RULES: Create your Watery Wednesday post first then come back and enter your name and the link to your post in the spaces provided. Next, just have fun visiting the other entrants to see their posts. If you leave a comment they'll know you've visited and will visit you in return. Have fun!

Oceans and rivers today- and a man not afraid of the cold!
happy holidays. peace and joy to you and yours.
...and a happy Christmas to you too. I want to take this time to thank you for making the meme on Wednesday a favorite of mine!!
Happy holidays! And thank you for the Watery Wednesdays, it's always great fun to look around!
So very pretty! A most creative watery shot!
Thank you so much for your ongoing efforts hosting this meme for us!
A very Happy Christmas to you!
Well, it looks very pretty. Merry Christmas and thanks for hosting this fun meme.
Beautiful Xmas snap...Have a Happy!
Jingle Shells
Creative entry--I love 'em!
Merry Christmas to you and your family!^_^
Beautiful. Love it.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your family.
Neat idea for a Christmas picture :) Merry Christmas to you and yours!
I wish you a WONDERFUL and loving Christmas just full of Christmas blessings.
xo bj
Merry Christmas to you and your family. Beautiful Christmas picture! Thanks for hosting Watery Wednesday.
Merry Christmas to you too 2Sweet! Thank you so much for your gift of this lovely meme!
Happy Christmas!!!!
Happy holidays. That's a great photo!
Yes, very creative. I'm glad you said something, so now I see the lovely water reflections.
Do come check out my totally redesigned blog and companion photo site, Love That Image. Hope you like it! My watery photo is here:…dramatic-light/
That's a beautiful shot. Merry Christmas to you and your family!
Beautiful! Merry Christmas to you!
Creative, unique and lovely...
Wish you have a wonderful Christmas :)
as uaual, you never fail to impress me. i really need to pick up your skill of composition.
Enjoy your celebration of the day of joyful Tidings! And thank you for hosting this meme:)
Merry Xmas to you and to your family.
Wishing you the best - here's my Christmas poem!
Now I really have to explore more to capture beautiful like this is, it is so inspiring and so pretty have a very nice watery wednesday!
Merry Christmas!
Thanks for Watery Wednesday and all lovely pitures.
A big hug back to you!
Merry Christmas from the Mountains of Colorado and the Florida gulf coast!!
warmest sandy hugs..
Thank you for taking the time out of this busy season to share another fantastic "Watery" photograph!
Happy Holidays and a BIG cyber hug back!
Very pretty image! And, a Very Merry Christmas to you, too!
Creating this blog, it made me appreciate water in my travel shot even more plus be more creative, previously was sun sun and more sun. now have more option and composition.
It caught one morning and I rushed to take it without really looking at what caught eye. Consideration it was interesting. Okay, your turn to show yours!!
Amazing and wonderful and attractive water drop has been shared on the site in which connected in this blogger and site also and may be useable in this site. The good and more interesting efforts for the published in this photo.
Wow what a lovely and beautiful tract has shared on the sit and good photo water. When we know that used in this water page. Thus we can define it is amazing and more wonderful post has published on the site when we will connected in this blogger then we have to know that enjoy it.
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