I don't think I've posted this one before but I like this black and white.

RULES: Create your Watery Wednesday post first then come back and enter your name and the link to your post in the spaces provided. Next, just have fun visiting the other entrants to see their posts. If you leave a comment they'll know you've visited and will visit you in return. Have fun!

beautiful,thanks for hosting watery wednesday!
My own egrets down here in SW Florida are having a good ol' time - it rained for two days straight last week, and the pond out back of the house is FULL. That's unheard of for drought season. Have a wonderful week!
Tink *~*~*
This bird looks so elegant and graceful! The additional slight ripples of the water create a beautiful, peaceful scene!
I agree, that egret (?) is perfect for black and white. :)
Beautiful in black and white! What a great bird and you captured its beauty!
I'm a very new follower and blogger. I'm also new with this photography stuff. I've taken thousands of pictures but they're just amateur shots of my kids. I received a beautiful camera for Christmas and now I'm learning new things.
Hope you're having a good week.
What a lovely picture and the bird looks so elegant:)
Great post!
Happy Watery Wednesday....Luna
Beautiful capture of the Egret.
lovely shot! happy Wednesday!
Beautiful photo!...Christine
Look like dream!
Greetings from Juneau, Alaska!
I've missed visiting Watery Wednesday. It's good to be back.
Very beautiful in black and white. =)
I like the black and white, and the egret is still more magnificent in the clear, still water. Subtle and lovely.
This was a watery week for me. Visit my blog
and check the entries for the last week. Lots of water there this week!
my three diamonds in a fisherman's net are up on the blog :)
Gorgeous one!
What a beautiful black and white photo of a lovely bird.
Nice! I love it in B&W.
The black and white image of the Egret is stunning!
Thanks for hosting Watery Wednesday, 2Sweet.
You always have beautiful pictures..This one in no exception, just gorgeous!
What a lovely shot of nature's beauty. Stunning.
glad you like my photos :)
Thank you very much for welcoming me here in Watery Wednesday :-) I enjoy looking at all the beautiful pictures :-)
im late getting cyber wet huh! take care Ms T Bruce!
I love this meme! thanks Ms. Bruce for hosting! awesome shot here too!
This is a beautiful and fantastic shot! It almost looks like the flower is frozen in ice rather than floating on water!
Ms 2SweetnSaxy, I apologize for my mistake - I mistakenly put my link for WW#80 in #79. I didn't notice how far I'd scrolled down. I hope it's not too much bother for you to remove it.
Robert in Athens just made the same mistake too. His name's just after mine now.
Sorry again for my carelessness.
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