Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Watery Wednesday #62

My sincerest apologies that I missed starting this post yesterday. What a crazy day it was. Hope it's not too late for many of you to still enjoy getting a little cyber wet this week! Enjoy and have a blessed rest of the week!

Have you seen this one?

Rock in Water

RULES: Create your Watery Wednesday post first then come back and click on the Mr. Linky link below to access the participation list. Enter your name and the link to your post in the spaces provided. Next, just have fun visiting the other entrants to see their posts. If you leave a comment they'll know you've visited and will visit you in return. Have fun!


Anonymous said...

Beautifully simple! I love the shapes the rocks make with the water.

Photo Memeries said...

I wish I could take photos like that. Nice shot!

Mine is up:

Guy D said...

Fascinating photo, you never disappoint.

All the best
Regina In Pictures

Mojo said...

Nope haven't seen that one, but I've taken several similar ones. And I never get tired of them.

You know you can schedule these posts in advance, right? just create it like you normally would, then click the "Post Options" link, fill in the date and time you want ti to publish, then hit "Publish post" (NOT "Save Now", which will save it as a draft -- and that's the part that Blogger doesn't make clear). When the date/time you specified in the "Post Options" rolls around, your post will publish as if by magic.

Tink *~*~* said...

Scheduling posts in advance is a great thing. Just have to find a block of time to sit down and do it! Darn it, if I didn't have this thing called j-o-b taking up most of my day, I could do it ;)

Tink *~*~*

Chie Wilks said...

oh so're a professional photographer

Gunilla said...

Fantastic shot.
You are great.

Have a nice week

Linda said...

Lovely detail of the ripples around the stones.

Rinkly Rimes said...

Almost like an abstract and very lovely.

NatureFootstep said...

nice image you show, calm wih a litlte excitement

Jane said...

I don't think I have seen that one, that's okay 2sweet you were obviously busy, I linked mine on the previous linky but I shall post it on this linky too.

L. Neusiedler said...

I also posted late this week, but it's nice to visit wonderful watery sights!

A New England Life said...

Sometimes the simplest of things are the most lovely.

Don't worry, you aren't late. After all, it's Wednesday, right?

Lorac said...

Worth the wait. Love it!

Eve said...

It is wonderful that there is a little movement in the water - it's so crystal clear and the tiny ripples are so pretty!

RA said...

Life can be quite busy. I hope you have a wonderful day :). Thanks for another great WW!

Ruby said...

wow you got always wonderful pix here Ms.saxy!

Dimple said...

No, I haven't seen that one, it's beautiful. I like the ripples that are only around the rocks, and the reflection of the grid above the water.

eileeninmd said...

It was worth the wait, lovely photo. Thanks for hosting Watery Wednesday.

Chubskulit Rose said...

That's a beautiful shot!

Please come and check out Our little gardener.

kden said...

Nope, haven't seen it. A true beauty with its tiny ripples.

Perry said...

:-) You made it, life happens. Nice rock!

Martha Z said...

Love the clarity of this photo.

Anonymous said...

It's been crazy here too! I just got home from work, really late and didn't notice that you were running late too.

penny said...

That is a very intriguing shot, 2 Sweet. Leave it to you to come up with something so unique.

Have a very Happy Thanksgiving and Thank You for hosting Watery Wednesday.

Debra said...

Great shot! I love the ripples around the rocks in the peaceful water. Simply beautiful!

Sara Chapman in Seattle, USA said...

Just saw this photo. I adore it. So soothing!

January Zelene said...
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