Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Watery Wednesday #56

I just realized I've been hosting this watery wonderland for a year now. Wow. Where did the year go? This is one of the photos I posted this month last year. That's a lot of water between then and now and I've loved it and everyone's participating. I hope this will be around along time. Thank you all for a year of wonderful water shots!

RULES: Create your Watery Wednesday post first then come back and click on the Mr. Linky link below to access the participation list. Enter your name and the link to your post in the spaces provided. Next, just have fun visiting the other entrants to see their posts. If you leave a comment they'll know you've visited and will visit you in return. Have fun!

You can use the images below when you link back to this post.


Marie said...

A lovely autimn feeling in this WW photo. Thanks for sharing :-).

Ebie said...

Congratulations and I hope you keep hosting it. It is a wonderful place to meet meet people from around the globe!

Mojo said...

LOVE the effect of the surface tension around the leaf! Very cool!

Photo Cache said...

Love the artistic way you capture this. I also hope you keep hosting this meme.


Nadine said...

Happy anniversary!

Rinkly Rimes said...

I love the way in which the water is framing the leaf.

Carletta said...

A year! Oh my gosh - it doesn't seem posssible and yet look how much it's grown. :)
Congrats and I'm certainly looking forward to another year.
Love the shot and the single drop of water on the leaf.

April said...

I am really enjoying this weekly theme. Congratulations!

Beautiful autumn leaf and watery outline around it!

Unknown said...

Very nice. You do good work.

eileeninmd said...

Happy Anniversary! I your floating leaf photo, it is very pretty.

I just recently joined in on Watery Wednesday fun and I love seeing everyone's photos.
Thanks for hosting.

Elaine Yim said...

Congratulations and Happy Anniversary. Do keep up the good work. I love this picture of the leaf floating on the water. My post today is the landscaped garden of Dong Zen temple. Happy WW to everyone!

Maggie May said...

I love that one and missed it the first time round.

TOMO said...

Happy Aniversary!!
A floatinga leaf photo is very cool!

penny said...

Wow, you have hosted Watery Wednesday for one year already. Thanks for creating Watery Wednesday and for all you efforts in hosting, Miss 2SweetNSaxy
I appreciate all that you have endured through out this wonderful year.

Be well be Happy... Pam i am :)

Jan said...

Neat photo. Congratulations on hosting this great meme for one year.

Hilda said...

Congratulations and thank you for hosting it! It's great fun! And your photo is so peaceful!

judi/Gmj said...

love the floating leaf. I can never find one that holds still.

Lindy said...

This is such a beautiful capture. Congratulations on hosting this meme for a year!

Al said...

Good job! And like you, I am really enjoying this meme.

My Memories and Crystals said...

Beautiful, I like this meme, it's fun and cool.

Carol said...

Happy Anniversary! I am just joining for the first time today... Lovely poetic shot of the leaf and its watery ripples... I love the one tear like drop on the leaf surface. Carol

storyteller at Small Reflections said...

Wow ... that's really wonderful! I've only been participating for a few months but I do enjoy seeing all the wonderful watery photos folks share and am glad you plan to continue hosting it. YOUR photo this week is FABULOUS ;--)
Hugs and blessings,

Tink *~*~* said...

Wow, I can't believe you posted so early this week - you got me! LOL

Lovely watery shot as always - the droplet on the leaf is a nice touch :)

Tink *~*~*

Martha Z said...

This is a perfect watery photo! Thanks for a year of your fine work on our behalf.

Tammie Lee said...

I love the texture of the water around the autumn leaf, lovely.

Kirigalpoththa said...

Nice watery image !

Regina said...

Congratulations! Love this theme.
I will participate next time.

Cheers. Regards.

Unknown said...

Congratulations to you for hosting this wonderful theme.

the floating leaf radiates lightness.

NatureFootstep said...

nice water around the leaf :)

SquirrelQueen said...

Happy Anniversary! This is my first time on Watery Wednesday, it looks like fun.
My post is at Through Squirrel Eyes

Rae said...

Congratulations on your first anniversary. I am posting for the first time. Thanks for hosting.

Deb said...

great photo....thanks for hosting...decided to join in today...

HappyK said...

Thanks for hosting for the past year. :-)
Great Fall water photo!!

gengen said...

Cool shot for today's WW!

Anonymous said...

I love how you captured the floating leaf. Very pretty. Now...if I took that same picture, it would look like a leaf floating, yours looks amazing.

Linnea said...

That's a beautiful watery shot. And thanks so much for being such a terrific WW hostess!

Dawn Fine said...

Beautiful shot! My first time in this Meme..
I am doing a dual meme in hopes to show others that may do just one..that there is another great meme out there..

Maria Berg said...

Thank you for doing it. Me to love the photo from Long Beach Aquarium or the Cabrillo Aquarium - MB

Simply The Best said...

that's a great catch!

Ruby said...

congrats..thanks for hosting this wonderful meme! such a nice pix here!

Daily Nourishment said...

this blog is joining for the first time! good luck and thanks for this great meme!

Euronics said...

better late than never..thanks for hosting this wonderful meme!

nature's beauty

Nishant said...

that's a great catch!
Work From Home

BNS said...

Congratulations on one year of hosting Watery Wednesday. You've done an excellent job.

I have not been participating recently. Work and family things combined leave me with insufficient time to visit all the blogs I used to visit on Watery Wednesday but I still drop in when I can.

Hope you are well and that your new job is satisfying.


Lilli & Nevada said...

Congratulations i wish i had been more supportive this summer but hope to get back in the swing of it this winter. Great meme