Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Watery Wednesday #38

My thanks to everyone for participating in Watery Wednesday. It's that time again to put on those cyber goggles (goggles not googles LOL!), and let's get those eyes wet!

By the way, this is one of my personal favorite kind of shots - the single stream of water from a fountain. I find it amazing that each shot creates a completely different photo.

RULES: Create your Watery Wednesday post first then come back and enter your name and the link to your post in the spaces provided above. Next, just have fun visiting the other entrants to see their posts. If you leave a comment they'll know you've visited and will visit you in return. Have fun!

Here's the deal with Mr. Linky. Due to technical difficulties the rules were changed. As I am not a Gold Member there I can no longer use the participant list the way it was. I haven't decided if I want to upgrade. I'm not sure I want to since due to no fault of my own what I initially paid for is no longer available. Instead, please click on the Mr. Linky link below to access the participant list. Sorry about any inconvenience this causes.

You can use the images below when you link back to this post.

Reminder, I start this on Tuesdays because there are parts of the world where Tuesday is already Wednesday.


Audun said...

Great shots. I also find such fountain shots facinating. It looks like small ice sculptures

Mojo said...

I was thinking of ice too... like you'd ever find that naturally occurring in Southern CA.

Cool shots whether it's frozen or not!

Gunilla said...

Fantastic shots.
Thanks for sharing

Gunilla in Sweden

Ebie said...

Fantastic shots! Still I cannot create this capture. Still a newbie and will practice more. Thanks for creating this wonderful meme.

Carletta said...

Reminds me of blown glass! Nice job!
Mr. Linky won't open for me at the moment. I'll keep trying.

My post is here: Carletta’s Captures.

A Beach House Dreamer said...

And frozen in time, they do look like ice sculptures!

Gemma Wiseman said...

These water shots are simply magical! And in in collage they are an extra special fantasy!

Bim said...

They're very pretty, these water sculptures - the middle one looks a bit like Donald Duck to me :)

Happily Retired Gal said...

Marvelous motion in these liquid shots ... makes me thirsty.
Hugs and blessings,

Ebie said...

I had a hard time linking to Mr. Linky, earlier, now it is working for me. Thanks.

Maggie May said...

Brilliant shots. Looks like some form of jelly when you look at it quickly.

Guy D said...

Fantastic captures, these are outstanding.

Have a great day
Regina In Pictures

DeniseinVA said...

Very cool shots, awesome photos.

Tom said...

Nice shots.I`ve got some very cute canada geese goslings on my blog.

Rinkly Rimes said...

You must have a wonderful camera to get such shots of still life! My entry is very different.


James said...

That looks cool as ice.

penny said...

Hi 2sweet, Thanks for hosting. Your water shots are awesome and so are you!

Vicky said...

you have frozen the water in space, what an amazing shot!
have a great week 2sweet.

Tink *~*~* said...

That last shot looks like an icicle when it's hanging from the eaves of the house - just like blown glass!

Tink *~*~*
Tink *~*~*
Not quite done with EPCOT’s fountain show

MsRay said...

Beautiful Watery Wednesday pic. Thanks for sharing.

Mine is up, too!


His Unfailing Love said...

It's so nice. A different style of water flowing. Thanks, I like it.

Here's my link:


Bacolod and Beyond said...

so cool and pretty awesome, thanks. I remember a big ice flowing in our place. It's really cool and great

The Right Blue said...

Looks icy cold and refreshing!

Arlene said...

They looked like ice crystals. But i also can feel the pressure if i have to put in my face there...Great shots, Sweet! Will have this photo object in mind. :)

Happy Wednesday and my #19th entry is now up.

Anonymous said...

My husband remembered an old photo he made - when he saw your pictures - so I decided to enroll him into the wet fiesta. Thank you for the inspiration!

Regina said...

Beautifully done. Perfect!

Unknown said...

Really cool shots..

I love fountain and reflection shots...I think they are definitely becoming my favourites :-)

Christina, Sweden said...

This callenge is one of my favourotes. Looking at water is relaxing and one always sess something new even at theh spot one sees every day. Uploaded a new one from theh Swedish eastcoast, enjoy!

Sara Chapman said...

Well, I'm fine with the Mr L version you have now, no problem at all with this way.

So I love how you do that water capture thing. The light must be very bright to get such a sharp stop motion! I think the one on the right looks like a fish standing up on its tail. Nice!

Monica said...

The photo on the far right looked like an ice sculpture in progress of being created. All are really cool and fun shots.

Thanks for hosting Watery Wednesday, this is my second time to participate.

Maria Berg said...

It is fun to try to capture teh water with the camera - it makes so funny things.


RA said...

Beautiful shots! I love them, too :). Thank you for another great WW.

NatureFootstep Photo said...

great shots of that splashing water.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful shots !
Looks like art ...

Hilda said...

Fantastic! I've always loved photos like these, though I've never tried it myself. They look frozen!

And no inconvenience with the Mr Linky change. Your site actually loads faster because there's fewer information to load, and the link list opens in a new tab, which I like.

HappyK said...

I love these shots. The one on the right looks like a serpent coming out of the water.
Mr Linky works fine like this. Thank You for hosting Watery Wednesday!!

Mariz said...

Very cool shot! So clear, the one on the right looks like an ice sculpture.

Mix Pix

Unknown said...

Those shots are gorgeous!
Well done!
Happy WW :D!

Amanda Guthrie said...

Great compilation of watery goodness, the background color and lighting is pretty cool also!

srp said...

They look like watery icicles frozen in time... Great shots!

Karen ~Georgia Angel said...

I always love splash photos. Thanks for sharing.

iriegal said...

Love that shot. The water is doing its own dance. Mine is up know.

April said...

Beautiful cold, clear water! Wonderful photo!

Arija said...

Great shots, at first I thought it was clear ice melting. Thank you for creating this meme.

Martha said...

Great shots! :-)
Sorry about my entry being another combo this week - busy times!

Shaun said...

Awesome. I love "moving water shots", either on leaves, movement creates such interesting light...

Euroangel said...

wish to join watery wednesday next week...thanks for the visit!

JuneMoonToon said...

AWESOMELY BEAUTIFUL photos. I love the camellia in the stream and also the fountain shots.

security said...

It is wonderful and lovely water photo sharing on the site so that we can use it and different type lovely place and enjoying in this place.