RULES: Create your Watery Wednesday post first then come back and enter your name and the link to your post in the spaces provided above. Next, just have fun visiting the other entrants to see their posts. If you leave a comment they'll know you've visited and will visit you in return. Have fun!

Reminder, I start this on Tuesdays because there are parts of the worlds where Tuesday is already Wednesday.
great photo, looks as though it could rain......
Gill in Canada
I was thinking the same thing... looks like a storm brewing. But the dicks don't seem concerned.
Of course, they're waterproof so...
Your shot is stunning. What an array of hues of blue.
Moooooody! But the birds seem happy enough.
aahaha! Awesome they lined up for a photo opp! so cool!
A lot of us are thinking the same thing - for me it's Moody Blues!
Great shot.
Like Moody Blues - yes! Amazing shot! Love the birds in front on blue water - and the blue mountains in the horizon - peaceful.
great shot, very moody blue, Hee, hee, MoJo's "dicks" are lined up like drive by said. for shure. :)
Looks like just about everyone else thought the same thing that I thought: what a moody WW shot!
(FWIW, it looks a bit like that today here in Hawaii, too.)
Everything comes together to make a totally awesome shot.
Beautiful. I like all the shades of blue.
Wonderful light in this shot - really, it looks unreal!
Tink *~*~*
My Mobile Adventures *~*~* Presents: The Feast - Sanibel Island, Florida
I didn't know you ran Watery Wednesday! I'll join up next Wed, I've already posted a photo for tomorrow, but I'll be back!!! Very cool!!!
I like the color of the sky and the water is very calm.
hmm the ducks are enjoying the water. i bet it's cold. nice sky too.
mine is now up. ive posted it last night but was too sleepy already to leave the link.
happy WW to all!
This is a wonderful image. I find it so amazing how shades of blues and grays can create such wonder!
That's a beauty of a photograph. The silvery light on the water and in the sky is just wonderful. And thanks for a great meme. Glad to see it's growing.
I love the shades of blue and gray in this one. It's also nice how you can see the circular water ripples around the birds. Nice choice for WW.
That's a breathtaking view and some interesting birdies :D
Beautiful, just beautiful
what a beautiful photo. Love it!
Greetings from Alaska!
Your photo could pass for southeast Alaska. Lovely!
I love your photo, and I love water and I have lots of water pictures, so I will be participating in your Watery Wednesdays from now on!
Oops, I didn't realize I had the wrong post linked! Thanks for the heads up. I entered the correct one, but I don't know how to get rid of the wrong one. Thanks for visiting me at When Ginger snaps!
what a pretty shot, my shots are underwater, i hope there still okay for 'watery wednesday's' :).
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