RULES: Create your Watery Wednesday post first then come back and enter your name and the link to your post in the spaces provided above. Next, just have fun visiting the other entrants to see their posts. If you leave a comment they'll know you've visited and will visit you in return. Have fun!

NOTE: I try to start this on Tuesdays because our Tuesday is actually Wednesday for some people around the world and I want them to participate too.
You may be having Mr. Linky problems, but there's no trouble with lovin' this shot. Beautiful!
Watery Wednesday #4: Beaufort Sunset
Wow, great photograph. Until you get Mr. Linky fixed, we'll enjoy looking at this beautiful photo. I don't think you're the only one having problems with Mr. Linky. I'll be back to check in. In the meantime I will post my own photo within the hour.
I've decided to play along too! This is a great idea :)
No Mr. Linky tho. I'll check back later.
I love this photo - haunting & romantic.
I agree with Mojo and Denise, nice work! It belong on a Fishing Calendar.:)
I wasn't sure if I should post my photo for Watery Wednesday or save it for Sky Watch Friday. I figured I'd better share it now because it could be snowing by Friday. Enjoy!
I'll come back a little later and post on linky.
Hi! This is my first post for Watery Wednesday! Thanks for this meme.
I love the soft focus of your photo, a perfect postcard!
Vienna Daily
Great shot! Mine is up too. Misterlinky is finally working for me, hope yours too.
Very nice shot. I's LOVE to be out there. I like kayaking a LOT!
Love the misty look of your photo, and the way the two boats kind of balance each other and are more in focus than the scenery.
Mine is here:
Watery Wednesday: Creek
That is an awesome photo, I love everything about it.
Regina In Pictures
Your lovely idyllic scene on quiet waters is in contrast to my contribution today of incoming tides.
Mine is up at:
What a wonderful capture, like the others I just looked at....could be in a horror flick.
Great one! you are going to make Fishing guy Jello ious :)
beautiful shot! I love it!!!
wow that's a cool one!
mine is now up too -- one of the sea. :)
What an idyllic scene. So peaceful!
My Watery Wednesday entry is an underwater photo (as usual) -- this time the subject may seem familiar. ;-)
Wonderful scene!
Reminds me of foggy mornings fishing with my Grandpa.
Mine's up.
I like the picture. Very nice.
Here is the link to my watery picture.
You did a great capture on this! It's so peaceful and calm... so beautiful!
It's my first time to join watery wednesday. My entry is posted here. Hope you can drop by!
It's beautiful shot!
lovely photo, very moody because of the black and white,
Gill in Canada
Beautiful, serene atmosphere! The background looks like a watercolour painting! Fascinating!
Here is mine for this week:
Seagull Playtime
Mr. Linky is putting us through the hoops but, what the heck, it's worth the effort to see some pretty neat shots of stuff from around the world. Thanks to 2sweetnsaxy especially and to each of the contributors who make it possible. My offering is posted at golflakeview's blogspot (how do you link in a comment?)
I like this, it reminds me in Thailand,when we had our floating market.Thank you so much for the Watery Wednesday where we can post our photos, I love it!
Keep up the good work..
Love this photo, too. Mr. Linky seems to be working. What a hassle.
Lovely pic and smart idea.
A blog about a small river which joins the Seine : Aube.
So peaceful - I not only love the photo, I wish I was there.
A lovely photo, makes me very peaceful :o)
This is a very romantic place to go boating or special one. The water is very calm and the sky is nice.
They have shared the lovely and beautiful tract shared since there are lovely and enjoyable water place shared so that can be enjoy it. Most of the people are like it most of the time.
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