Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Watery Wednesday #131

Sorry I'm late this week. Without having internet access I forgot to come in early to work so I could do my weekly entry. I had to wait for lunch and it's been kind of crazy. Hope I didn't lose too many of you. Thanks again for continuing to participate while I'm not able to. I peek in when I can. Are you ready to get your eyes wet?

I think this might be a re-post but if it is, it was a while back. If it is I apologize. Have a wonderful Watery Wednesday and the rest of the week. My prayers go out to everyone in Japan after such a horrific ordeal. Goes to show you how powerful this thing called water can be. :-(

RULES: Create your Watery Wednesday post first then come back and enter your name and the link to your post in the spaces provided. Next, just have fun visiting the other entrants to see their posts. If you leave a comment they'll know you've visited and will visit you in return. Have fun!


Mirage said...

Peaceful image, the birs agrees I think, It's contemplating seriously. :)

eileeninmd said...

Thanks for hosting, I hope things calm down for you. My thought and prayers go out to all the people of Japan.

Sublime Wanderer said...

Such a calmed bird...must be waiting for lunch...

Dharma said...

Yes, it's another sad story for Japan. Wishing you all the best. Have a happy Wednesday.

Anonymous said...

we're here. take care.

NatureFootstep said...

I love your shot and do not recognise it.

I accidently put the wrong link on no 9. But people probably find out. :)
Hav a great week. Hope your internet problem will get solved soon.

Millemilla said...

My first time!! :-)

Martha Z said...

The little bird seems to be gazing off into the distance, lost in thought.

Carletta said...

Life gets busy for us all - no apologies necessary.
You do a great job. We/I thank you for hosting.

This little guy found a small spot to hang out and enjoy the soothing water around him.

Simone @ Doberman's by the Sea said...

Beautiful photo. Thanks for keeping the show going.

Mary said...

Love your photo~ it's new to me! Thanks for hosting :-)

xinex said...

I am glad you reposted this. It is a beautiful photo...Christine

Judy said...

I don't recall seeing this perky little bird before! I love the movement in the water!

Cildemer said...

Never mind if you reposted this photo!
It's very beautiful and peaceful!
Thanks for sharing;o)

Hope you are having a happy week****

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

How are you and a very good post today !

Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy said...

Hi Too Sweet, boy are you right about that. You can't reason with water. Or with earthquakes.

Your photo is beautiful, as always. Thanks for having Watery Wednesday for us, and take care.

Best and God bless,


lotusleaf said...

Thank you for hosting Watery Wednesday. All our thoughts and prayers are with the people in Japan.

Sandbergs Fotoblogg said...

Agree with you, and my thoughts are with all of Japan

Honey at 2805 said...

Very peaceful image, especially in light of all that's going on in the world at this time.

I always enjoy your party & have met the niceest people!

Unknown said...

If it is a repeat it is definitely worth a repost. Thanks so much for hosting such a fun meme.

Sorry for your internet issues. I would go nuts. :-)

Take care and God bless!

Jeannette StG said...

Hey don't worry about it! It IS for Wednesday, so...still plenty in time!

lina@happy family said...

Pray for Japan as well. My country have got tsunami in 2004.

The problem with internet connection can be so annoying. I face slow connection for weeks :(

I still enjoy your shot. Awesome!

Sara Chapman in Seattle, USA said...

No worries about visiting. I love your photo, the calm, peaceful feeling from the gently swirling water. In ancient Chinese I Ching symbolism, water represents both Pleasure, as Lake, and Danger, a different hexagram.

Karen said...

thanks for hosting the hop. Haven't linked up before. Should be fun to see everyone's pics. blessings, k

Points ans Views said...

your so busy instead you can manage to post for watery wednesday saying goes like these, better late than never, I'm late too forgive me fellas.

Dean and Lee Schroeder said...

Hello, visiting you here. That's a beautiful shot. Mine is up


Gemma Wiseman said...

Beautiful moment! A bird dreaming over water! Lovely photo!

DawnTreader said...

It's a lovely photo, I like the way the water seems to be moving around the bird sitting still. You're right about the powers of nature... what's beautiful one day can be terrifying the next...

Rosie@travel-i-tales said...

Better late than never, and where would we be without Watery Wednesday?
Thanks for hosting.

Irene said...

Lovely image ... My thoughts are with the people in Japan. Thank for hosting!


Chie Wilks said...

a very lovely shot...i like how the water ripples

SRQ said...

Looks like that little guy doesn't like the water so much and found refuge on a rock.

Chubskulit Rose said...

That's a a beautiful shot.

gengen said...

Wow pretty shot...Mine is up.

Míriam Luiza said...

Um pássaro solitário! As vezes precisamos também de um pouco de solidão, fazendo companhia para nós mesmos! Linda imagem! A água parece muito limpa!

Mel_Cole said...

Pretty capture! :) My Watery Wednesday

Naturegirl said...

Great capture of the watery bird!
Love being part of this WW!

anne said...

The bird seems relaxing.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

You are like me going ontp the blogland at breaks and lunch time. My colleagues see me sneak back to my room, and sometimes ask, what are you doing. I said," Work"

I spend more time in bloglad than work when I can.

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