Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Watery Wednesday #65

Anyone feel like getting cyber wet in all of this cold weather... that is, if you live where it's cold. It's cold, cold, cold here and I love it! Here's wishing you all a wonderful Watery Wednesday and a blessed rest of the week! Now pull out those water shots and lets dowse our eyes with water!

This is the top of a water fountain:

RULES: Create your Watery Wednesday post first then come back and click on the Mr. Linky link below to access the participation list. Enter your name and the link to your post in the spaces provided. Next, just have fun visiting the other entrants to see their posts. If you leave a comment they'll know you've visited and will visit you in return. Have fun!


Photo Cache said...

Very cold here in NorCal too; had snow dusting here in the bay area in my backyard!!!! And I'm totally loving it too.

Chubskulit Rose said...

That is gorgeous!

Mine is here

Al said...

It's getting colder but I guess it's much colder in your part of the world

eden said...

Great captures. Yesterday was 40 degrees C here. I am missing so much our cold weather.

Maggie May said...

I thought it was a load of jelly until I looked closer and noticed a very beautiful water feature!

Nuts in May

JTG (Misalyn) said...

Cool! I like the first photo.Soothes my tired eyes.

Its getting cold here in UAE but not chillin' cold yet.Its pretty colder there.

Guy D said...

Beautiful as always, you take the best water shots.

All the best
Regina In Pictures

Rinkly Rimes said...

Very refreshing for an Aussie!

Unknown said...

Very very nice close-up!

Tussy said...

Beautiful close-up!

You Got a Posty
All Little Things I Like

eileeninmd said...

Great watery shots and it is cold here too. Have a great week.
Thanks for hosting Watery wednesday!

storyteller said...

Wow! That IS cold ... brrrrr ;-)
It's FINALLY raining in Southern California so I've shared WATERY posts at Happily Retired Gal and Sacred Ruminations
Hugs and blessings,

wenn said...

lovely shot..

The Explorer said...

I am back again. The post is fantastic, nice shot. i love the way you capture the water in it.

Mojo said...

I guess I need a definition of "cold". It's currently 41° F here, which I don't really consider "cold", though in some areas this is considered frigid. But it's raining, which makes it seem worse.

I did a fountain too. Or part of one anyway.

Coffeeveggie addict. said...

Beautiful ph0tos!

Martha said...


Unknown said...

what a mesmerizing shot! the first photo looks like blown glass--so beautiful!

Tink *~*~* said...

I like that fountain - so earthy looking. Happy Watery Wednesday!

Tink *~*~*

Sara Chapman in Seattle, USA said...

Well, that's an unusual fountain. It almost looks made of peanut butter! Somehow, I doubt that . . . The bubbly water is wonderful.

Eve said...

What a neat view of the bubbling water at the top of the fountain!

Life Moto said...

nice pics. i try to post one after my duty. have a nice water wed to all! but not too much water hehehe

gengen said...

That is a great capture wow...Happy watery Wednesday. See you in my blog...

simply divina said...

This is cool looking. I love how you capture this photo. Have a blessed wednesday!

nuts said...

I am amazed by your watery shots..

Linnea said...

Your watery shot is wonderful! Yes, another freezing day here up north, but it's a great change to the constant warmth we were having...

Chie Wilks said...

very amazing photos....as always

Frank said...

The water fountain is very inventive and cool looking...not frozen either. Tampa's still in the 70s. NO snow.

Helena said...

Whew! I made it. :) That is a seriously cool fountain!

We had our first winter storm today and it all turned to rain mid-afternoon. My son just came back from walking the dog and said everything is coated in ice now. I love winter! :)

Bjorn Heidenstrom said...

Hi! was a member her !!! and please exopose it and link on my "coments". My trip is seen by 30 mill so far (news,pr/media) (ohh the fact is on www.theshirt2010.blogspot.com ), but I need moore "photo, blog mates" who take/make the photos/blogs that I dont from the places Im cycling.. (and here they are)

Keep on sharing!! and hope that my followers on my blog, facebook and twitter will see you.

All the best! keep on with the good work.

Bjorn Heidenstrom, day 176.
cycling Norway to South Africa to make attention for the refugees

My site is wwww.theshirt2010.net and @heidenstrom is the twitter

Fun puzzles said...

So nice and more wonderful image shared on the site so that we can understand in this lovely tract it is amazing and so attractive also. Many people are visiting in that place and do enjoy it.